Monday, September 9, 2013

Why Should Your Company Be Consistent and Professional Through Corporate Clothing?

For the sake of consistency in office outfits and colors, corporate clothing might be the answer, when having to deal with office attire disciplinary issues more than a defined number of hours a year. When a supervisor has to consistently counsel and write memos regarding an employee who does not observe dress code guidelines, office uniforms would almost certainly prevent infraction from occurring. Employees should have a uniform that when constructed properly, maintained properly, and is worn when either designated or scheduled, should require no need for counsel, a memo or the need for further disciplinary actions. The executive team, business owner or executive director would provide the guidelines and if not observed, then and only then would a memo be given. If an infraction occurs after the memo, further action up to termination of employment may take place.

Because you will define the attire, your corporate clothing should be professional, guaranteeing a statement of professionalism about the business so that the customer can trust your business and your employees. The color will be based on your personal touch because the selections will be yours or a coordinated effort from management and the executive team. If desired, employees can place their own unique touches by adding a brooch, scarves, neckties and even their shoes will be their own selections not defined by management and not restricted unless you feel the need. This should ensure an image of consistency and professionalism for your business.

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